
Neovim: Failed to load python host


I wanted to pull in the latest :terminal changes.

brew reinstall neovim --HEAD
pip install --upgrade neovim

When you open Neovim, the following error is raised:

Error detected while processing function remote#define#AutocmdBootstrap..remote#host#Require..<SNR>4_RequirePythonHost:                                                              
line   66:                                                                                                                                                                           
E605: Exception not caught: Failed to load python host. Try upgrading the Neovim python module with 'pip install --upgrade neovim' or see ':help nvim-python'.                       
Error detected while processing function remote#define#AutocmdBootstrap..remote#host#Require:                                                                                        
line    6:                                                                                                                                                                           
E171: Missing :endif 


To solve this error execute:

brew reinstall neovim --HEAD 
pip install --upgrade neovim