Wireless configuration using WPA2
Debian/Ubuntu linux uses wpa_supplication to support WPA/WPA2 connections. In this tutorial we are going to explain how to use the terminal to connect to w Wi-Fi network.
Step 1: Installation
To install wpasupplicant simply execute the following command with sudo:
sudo apt install wpasupplicant wireless-tools
Step #2: Check hardware is working
Use lspci to verify if the netowrk card was detected properly:
lspci | grep -i wlan
lspci -nn | grep Network
To list all network interfaces use "-a" parameter
ifconfig -a
If you can't see you card, use the dmesg command and search for errors in the logs.
Step 3: Configure WPA2
Open the file /etc/network/interfaces file Use the following settings for the one you want to configure (wlan0 in this example):
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
TO start the Wi-Fi connection execute:
ifup wlan0
You can chek connectivity using the ping command against the router or any site on the internet.
Get Info About Your Network
You can use nmap to check other devices in the network:
Remember to replace with the correct ip address, some routers use or any other valid private ip address range.
Scan for available Wi-Fi APs
Type the following command for scanning near access point in the command line:
iwlist wlan0 scan
Troubleshooting wpa_supplicant
The command wpa_supplicant uses the log file: /var/log/wpa_supplicant..log*. If you have issue check always this log file.
You can try to execute wpa_supplicant and in other terminal execute tail to see realtime output:
tail -f /var/log/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.log
NetworkManager problems
If you use NetworkManager and wpa_supplicant as we explain in this article, you will have problems since NetworkManager will overwrite /etc/network/interfaces file.