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SOLUTION: ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)

If while doing a python setup.py install you got the error

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error: Not a recognized archive type: Twisted tar.bz2

The error

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pip: six issue when installing package

If you are using macOS and you get a permission denied while installing with pip install six, then you could try to execute: pip install --ignore-installed six. check our solution for more details.

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How to install a dependency with pip from github using setup.py

Steps to install a python dependency from git in the setup.py using dependency_links. Make sure the user is using this format: git+https://github.com/user/repo.git#egg=project_name . Check here for more details.

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Python Pip: No matching distribution found for Twisted/Pillow

When you try to install Twisted you could get the error: "No matching distribution found for Twisted". One couse could be that you python is missing some extension, like bz2. You will need to change your pytohn interpreter or recompile it.

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pip install error: locale.Error: unsupported locale setting

When you install a apackage with pip and you get the error: locale.Error: unsupported locale setting, try to set the locale like this: export LC_ALL=C. Check out full solution here!

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Python: pip is broken. _internal module cannot be imported

The error is common after you execute "pip install pip -U" and you will see the error "ImportError: No module named _internal" everytime you execute "pip". One solution is to change the import on the pip file: **from pip import main**, change that line with **from pip._internal import main**. Check here for alternative solutions to this error.

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python pip: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'main'

If you are using pip and get the following import error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'main' you can import main from pip._internal. Check here for the complete solution

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OSX: Python anaconda error when installing pip

When you install pip with "conda install pip" and you got the error "CondaOSError: OS error: failed to link", try to delete the pip package from your anaconda. See here for full details on how to solve this issue.

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Six issue when installing package on OS X 10.11 El Capitan

There is a known issue with OSX. You need to pass additional arguments to pip command in order to fix the issue.