
Postgresql Index Page 1

How to use postgresql jsonb type with django

Learn how to use PostgreSQL JSONB column by following this tutorial that explain how to use schemaless with django and postgresql

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PostgreSQL: Update query for JSONB columns with examples

PostgreSQL 9.5 added the type JSONB, which supports json as datatype. Here we show an example on how to perform an UPDATE on a jsonb type using postgresql. If you want to override the whole dict, just send the json between single quotes. check here...

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How to change postgresql database encoding to UTF8 from SQL_ASCII

In this tutorial, we explain how to change the encoding of a database in PostgreSQL. Use sudo -u postgres psql -C “SHOW SERVER_ENCODING” your_database to display the database encoding. You can create a new database with utf8 using the command: sudo -u postgres createdb -E utf8 your_database. If you already have a database with SQL_ASCII and you want to convert it to utf8 you will need to regenerate it, check here for the full guide.

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Ubuntu upgrade postgres to version 10

In this tutorial we are going to upgrade PostgreSQL 9.X to 10. The following steps will work for Ubuntu 14.04, 17.04 and 16.04. Check our guide for easy upgrade with some troubleshooting also.

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Moving PostgreSQL data directory to a new path

Sometimes you need to change the data directory of postgresql when adding disks, changing to a RAID of disks. In this tutorial we explain the steps to change data directrory.