
Bash Index Page 1

How to find the lasrgest file in a directory recursively using du command

To find the largest file in a directory use the command: sudo du -a / 2>/dev/null | sort -n -r | head -n 20, please check here for more information

Bash Index Page 1

How to transfer files over the network using Netcat

Netcat is a helpful tool when you are in a hurry to transfer files between machines. Om this tutorial we will explain how to receive and send files using netcat. For receive: nc -l -p 9999 > received_file.txt, For sending: nc 9999 < received_file.txt. Check here how to compress and uncompress data using netcat.

Bash Index Page 1

How to install source code from tarball files on linux?

Usually you should use your package manager to install software in Linux, but sometimes you need to install software from source code. The most common steps are to execute: ./configure;make;make install. Check here for full details

Bash Index Page 1

Bash: How to use loops?

Detailed explanation on how to use bash loop using "for". See here some example how to iterate using bash.

Bash Index Page 1

How can I concatenate strings in Bash?

Check here some string concatenation examples using bash. Lean how to program bash and manipulate strings, in this case using concatenation. We propose different approaches to solve the problem with bash.