
Unix Index Page 1

Bash: How to Check if a directory exists?

If you need to check if directory exists use: if [ -d "$DIR" ];. Check here for details when you have symbolic links.

Unix Index Page 1

How To Known what DNS Servers Address you are using

To see you dns servers on linux execute: cat /etc/resolv.conf. For windows ipconfig /all. check this artcile for more details.

Unix Index Page 1

Learn how To Use grep Command.

Improve as a system administrator or as a software developer and learn how to use the very useful command grep. We cover some basic usage and some advance usage. Learn here how to use regular expression with grep and how to search recursively with grep.

Unix Index Page 1

Learn programmign: How to write If else statement in C Program

Knowning how to program in C is a good desicion. Learn here how the if else statement works. See some examples to learn with more details how C code works.

Unix Index Page 1

How can I concatenate strings in Bash?

Check here some string concatenation examples using bash. Lean how to program bash and manipulate strings, in this case using concatenation. We propose different approaches to solve the problem with bash.