
Database Index Page 1

Standard SQL:What is the difference between "INNER JOIN" and "OUTER JOIN"?

For beginners when learning JOIN it's a common error to ignore different types of JOIN. Some junior developers could use a wrong JOIN that looks like correct when it's not the case. Make sure you learn differences between LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN

Database Index Page 1

Oracle SQL: How to write a que for filterting Date columns

Oracle SQL date format can be tricky to understand and could make you loose time to figure out why a query is not working. We use TRUNCATE and TO_DATE function to create a query to filter by a date on a timestamp column.

Database Index Page 1

Postgres query performance analysis and optimization

Learn how to analyze and optimize postgres query performance with an example.

Database Index Page 1

How to add or resize swap partition on Ubuntu 16.04

Learn how to add more swap space to Ubuntu 16.04. Also learn how to resize a swap partition.