
Golang Index Page 1

Using bettercap for wifi wardriving using Raspberry pi

In this tutorial we explain how to configure a raspberry pi to use bettercap for wireless wardriving. In particular we use the caplet airodump.cap. We also recommend which hardware to use for wardriving with a raspberry pi. Following this steps you will be able to install bettercap on a raspberrypi.

Golang Index Page 1

Install Golang 1.10 on Raspberry Pi

Tutorial to install golang 1.10 in raspberry pi in a few steps.

Golang Index Page 1

Golang: How to Check If a File Exists Before Using It

Learn GO lang with basic examples, we tech you how to check if a file exists using GO os package. Checking if a file exists could be a little tricky since we focus on the error returned instead of a result.