
Java Index Page 1

Java: error: Double.MIN_NORMAL not found

When you see the error **Double.MIN_NORMAL not defined** you should use the following: Double.longBitsToDouble(0x0010000000000000L)

Java Index Page 1

Java: error: Double.MIN_NORMAL not found

When you see the error **Double.MIN_NORMAL not defined** you should use the following: Double.longBitsToDouble(0x0010000000000000L)

Java Index Page 1

Converting String to Int in Java?

With Java, you can use the Integer.parseInt(). Here we will show you how to use parseInt to convert a String into an integer using Java. You can also use valueOf. Remember that when the string is not a valid integer it will be thrown NumberFormatException. check here for more details.

Java Index Page 1

Which is the proper way to compare strings in Java?

When comparing string in java you could get confused with unexpected result using ==. Should you use equals() in java to compare strings?

Java Index Page 1

Java: How to Generate random integers in a range

In this tutorial we will explain how to generate a random numbers between a range using different java versions and methods.

Java Index Page 1

How to directly initialize a HashMap (in a literal way)?

How to initialize a Java HashMap with curly brackets notation. Learn here some alternatives.