
Networking Index Page 1

Introduction to asynchronous networking programming with go

With go you don’t have threads, you have goroutines which are very cheap in terms of stack and scheduling. Go has a scheduler which works like an event loop, but it allows the developer to forget about events, queues, saving state, etc. Check our tutorial to learn to go networking programming.

Networking Index Page 1

How to check internet speed on a Linux server from the terminal using cli?

We explain how to use speedtest python project to check internet speed via the terminal. We will also explain how to save historical network speed on your linux server with a very cron line. Finally we explain how to plot the generated csv data.

Networking Index Page 1

How To Known what DNS Servers Address you are using

To see you dns servers on linux execute: cat /etc/resolv.conf. For windows ipconfig /all. check this artcile for more details.

Networking Index Page 1

Ping localhost error in Linux

Learn different solutions to the error "ping: unknown host localhost". Usually some networking configuration was changed by mistake like in /etc/hosts.

Networking Index Page 1

SOLVED -> iwconfig: device or resource busy

In this brief quick fix article, we explain how to fix this errror when you try to use the iwconfig.