
Solved_errors Index Page 11

Build fails on debian (libunibilium.so: No such file or directory)

make throws the error : libunibilium.so: No such file or directory

Neovim: How to install a stable version on Ubuntu via ppa.

The current ppa for neovim changed. Check here the new pp

Neovim: How to install a stable version on Ubuntu via ppa.

The current ppa for neovim changed. Check here the new pp

Bootstrap 4: Fixing Problems with Responsive Carousel with chrome and other browsers

The problems with responsive caruosel should be fixed on the latest bootstrap 4 version. Make sure you have the latest bootstrap version, if problem persists check here for some solutions.

Freecodecamp: After entering the code as the lesson describes I receive a dead page symbol

Freecodecamp: After entering the code as the lesson describes I receive a dead page symbol; once i run tests it is non responsive

truffle 3.3.0: Update "fsevents is not a constructor" when running truffle serve

truffle 3.3.0 serve returns the error TypeError: fsevents is not a constructor

No module named shutil_get_terminal_size

While using Jupyter I got the following stack trace when calling ipykernel: ImportError: No module named shutil_get_terminal_size

ipython6 and jupyter: Slow tab-completion on large data object in notebook

Using ipython6 with Jupyter notebook, you see much longer delays for tab-completion on large variables (arrays ~1GB in size in memory) which don't occur with previus version.

zope.interface error

zope.interface error: ImportError: No module named interface

zope.interface error

zope.interface error: ImportError: No module named interface