
Solved_errors Index Page 9

How to solve: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '\_sqlite3' with python3

We explain how to solve the common error -> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '\_sqlite3' while using python3. Use sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev to fix the issue.

Ping localhost error in Linux

Learn different solutions to the error "ping: unknown host localhost". Usually some networking configuration was changed by mistake like in /etc/hosts.

Nessus localhost port

Nessus default port is 8834. https://localhost:8834

SOLVED: configure-error-cannot-find-lzma-header

./configure return the error configure: error: lzma header files not found. Also checking for lzma.h... no. To fix this issue install with apt the following package...

Windows-Build-Tools: Can't find Python executable "python" after installing

Node.js native addon build tool (node-gyp) installation fails since python was not found. A common fix is to use the parameter --add-python-to-path='true' when installin windows-build-tools, check here for more details.

Windows-Build-Tools: Can't find Python executable "python" after installing

Node.js native addon build tool (node-gyp) installation fails since python was not found. A common fix is to use the parameter --add-python-to-path='true' when installin windows-build-tools, check here for more details.

Warning: react-modal: App element is not defined.

After upgrade the react-modal version you can get the Warning: react-modal: App element is not defined. See here for more details.

Warning: react-modal: App element is not defined.

After upgrade the react-modal version you can get the Warning: react-modal: App element is not defined. See here for more details.

Vue2Leaflet: vue-marker not displaying on map and map not fully rendering

When using Vue2Leaflet the map shows a graw box and only a small section of the map is rendered.

Six issue when installing package on OS X 10.11 El Capitan

There is a known issue with OSX. You need to pass additional arguments to pip command in order to fix the issue.