Tutorials Index Page 14
Moving PostgreSQL data directory to a new path
Sometimes you need to change the data directory of postgresql when adding disks, changing to a RAID of disks. In this tutorial we explain the steps to change data directrory.
How to create a monero wallet
Learn with a few steps how to create a monero wallet in Linux , OSX or windows. Monero is the secure, private and untraceable cryptocurrency.
How to share internet with Gnome 3 (Fedora 26 also works)
Use you linux computer to share your WiFi connection to ethernet.
How to UPDATE from SELECT using SQL Server
In this tutorial we explain how to update one table using another one with select clause.
How to fix kernel_task CPU usage on High Sierra (OSX)
We explain how to solve when kernel_task is using too much cpu like 100% or it has high cpu time. In this tutorial we will fix high cpu usage on OSX MacBook Pro and others after high sierra update. Make sure you removed all usb devices!
How to iterate an array in javascript? (the proper way)
In this tutorial we are going to explain how to loop through all the objects in an array using JavaScript.
Java: How to Generate random integers in a range
In this tutorial we will explain how to generate a random numbers between a range using different java versions and methods.
How to configure WPA2 enterprise on linux LEDE
Steps to configure WPA2 enterprise (802.1x) on linux lede. This will add the ability to have individual usernames and passwords. This will add more security to your WiFi.
How to create an HTML button that acts like a link?
When using only HTML, you have to use `
CSS Lesson: Horizontally center a div in a div
Learn how to center a div within a div using flex, css2 and css3. We preset multiple solutions to solved this problem and with cross browser compatibility.